Boy's portrait
Wood relief , after 2010, Kefar Sava, Israel
Material: wood
Technique: relief
Size: 230x320 mm
Not finished. There is an inscription in Hebrew on the backside "Naftali Friedman" and the stamp "The Seniors Art Museum".
The last, unfinished wooden relief by Naftali.
This is a copy of the work of another master from the Polish town of Zdunska Wola, where potters and stove-makers have lived for centuries.
The only thing we know about this master he was a young man of about 17-20 years old burned down in the furnace of Nazi camps, and that his last name was Sutt.
Reproductions of his works have been preserved by some miracle way. The beautiful wooden reliefs depicted the life of the pre-war Polish Jewish township. The works themselves have not survived.
Kept by Anna Bzhiska