Egor Belikov
Cinema critic, lives in Moscow.
Egor: “I took a little part in an amazing initiative. There is a Museum of Elder People Art in Israel - if you watched the "Van Goghs" movie, its finale was filmed there. Many old people who have gone through all the sorrows in the world learn to express themselves in art. Then their works are mailed all over the world, instead of staying hidden somewhere, moreover, they do it completely free of charge - you just need to win the right to become a museum keeper in the lottery and compensate the shipment charge. Thus, unknown elderly artists become immortal - their works will be forever kept by various admirers.
I've won paired works by different artists, namely woodcarvings, dedicated to granddaughters. In order to get to touch the Eternity, you need to subscribe to the Museum's newsletter and apply for participation in the draws. AS for me, this is one of the most uplifting humanitarian projects dedicated to art".