Author: Miriam Ifraсh | The Silver Age Art Museum

The Silver Age Art Museum

Miriam Ifraсh

Born 1940, Jerusalem, then Palestine — Kefar Sava, Israel


She was born in Jerusalem. She visits the lessons together with her husband, a retired soldier. “I was the first woman on the top of Mount Hermon during Six-Day War. I wore white trousers, and in the helicopter Haim’s greasy hand was on my knee all the time. Don’t treat him bad, we were already married then”.

Keeper Anna Bzhiska

Krakow, Poland

Former Moscow resident she has been living in Krakow for a long time. MSU graduate with a degree in biochemistry. Currently, she is engaged in scientific translations and charity work, including helping the elderly in the Krakow hospice.

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A Landscape

Material: canvas Technique: oil painting Size: 500x300 mm